WP1 – Learning models and technical requirements
- D1.1 State of the art survey
- D1.2 Interviews report
- D1.3 Workshop report
- D1.4 Definition of learning scenarios – needs analysis
- D1.5 Data acquisition plan
- D1.6 HLF definition for the learning scenarios
- D1.7 User profiling
WP2 – Multimodal sensing and capturing analysis
- D2.1 Recruitment protocol and informed consent form
- D2.2 Outcome of the pipeline development
- D2.3 Outcome of the capture process
- D2.4 Trimmed linear database of curated data sequences
- D2.5 3D avatar scenes
- D2.6 Motion capture sequences and skeleton avatar
- D2.7 Post processing data sets
- D2.8 Multi-sensor integration report
WP3 – Semantic and emotional representation models
- D3.1 Report on semantic representation models
- D3.2 Report on emotion representation models
- D3.3 Report on music-dance representation models
- D3.4 Report on multimodal signal modelling
- D3.5 Report on data-driven and model-driven analysis methodologies
- D3.6 First report on software platform and libraries
- D3.7 Second report on software platform and libraries
WP4 – Automated analysis of multimodal features and similarity search
- D4.1 Data integration, algorithm and system analysis, and framework description
- D4.2 Similarity search framework and components
- D4.3 Analysis and integration of generic application framework
- D4.4 Generic application framework
WP5 – Data integration & data analytics
- D5.1 Data modelling, data integration and data management plan report
- D5.2 Beta prototype, testing & validation data management platform report
- D5.3 Integration and interoperability with external services, systems and applications report
- D5.4 Final release, testing and validation of the data management platform report
WP6 – Multimodal rendering, holographic/volumetric displays development, and whole body interaction interfaces
- D6.1 Report on hardware devices adaptation
- D6.2 Report on intersection detection and feedback software layer development
- D6.3 First report on the resulting extension and integration of the ASTE engine in WhoLoDancE
- D6.4 Final report on the resulting extension and integration of the ASTE engine in WhoLoDance
- D6.5 Report on validation process
WP7 – Evaluation and validation of ICT-based learning
- D7.1 Usability and learning experience evaluation report
- D7.2 First evaluation of personalised experience
- D7.3 Personalisation evaluation report
WP8 – Communication, dissemination & exploitation
- D8.1 Dissemination and exploitation strategy plan and preliminary materials
- D8.2 Updated dissemination materials
- D8.3 Updated dissemination materials (2)
- D8.4 Dissemination events (M1-M18)
- D8.5 Outcomes of the strategic exploitation seminar
- D8.6 Dissemination events (M19-M36)
- D8.7 Final exploitation plan
- D8.8 WhoLoDancE Danceathon
WP9 – Coordination & management
- D9.1 Kick-off meeting report
- D9.2 Project presentation
- D9.3 Self-assessment plan
- D9.4 Quality assurance guidelines
- D9.5 First intermediate report
- D9.6 Second intermediate report
- D9.7 First periodic report
- D9.8 Second/final periodic report (in preparation)
- D9.9 Final report (in preparation)