Widen the access and practice of dance


Widen the access and practice of dance by providing access to the created dance database through commercially available consumer-grade motion capture devices like the MS Kinect, Intel’s real sense and others.

The functionalities of the high-end interface motion capture database will be translated in a less-expensive, simpler and easy-to-use device that can be used in informal education (as well as formal) for both choreographers and Dance Students. The interface will allow the choreographers to visualize the flow of motions via gestural control using low-cost gestural capture tools like the Kinect, Real-sense, Xtion and similar depth camera devices
Dance students will be able to train and practice choreographies in their preferred training space with the use of any motion sensing input device included in their home game video console (e.g. XBOX 360, Wii, etc.)
This use case can have his main application scenario on informal education but having the advantage of being less expensive then can become a tool used in any Dance Center and University and have a wider distribution and commercialization.

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