First Phase (M1-M12)
Jan 2016Dec 2016
Preliminary definitions and ground-truth data acquisition:
The first phase, running from M1 to M12 of the project, will deal with the acquisition of the preliminary knowledge coming from the end-users, thus making it possible to have a first definition of the learning scenarios (preliminarily evaluated by the end-users), as well as a definition of the different users’ profiles. At the same time, an embryonic definition of the semantic representation models will be deployed. Finally, the pipeline for the motion capture process will be developed and the data acquisition stage of the capture process will be completed. At the end of this phase, the first Milestone will be reached (Milestone 1 – Preliminary definitions and ground-truth data acquisition).
Second Phase (M13-M24)
Jan 2017 Dec 2017
Models, platform, and similarity search basic development:
The second phase will lead to the definition of the emotional representation and music-dance representation models, as well as to the preliminary deployment of data-driven and model-driven analysis software (with relevant libraries defined). Furthermore, the data management platform will be released and tested in its alpha version, and the data integration and similarity search framework will also be defined. At the end of this phase, a functioning mockup graphical user interface will be demonstrated. The Second Milestone will be reached (Milestone 2 – Models ̧ platform and similarity search basic development).
Third phase (M25-M36)
Jan 2018Dec 2018
Visual User interface and data-driven models, tools and platform deployed – learning scenarios validated
The third and final phase of the project will mainly deal with the deployment of the software and hardware adaptation needed for the deployment of the visual and interactive user interface (with the multi- modal avatar). The mockup GUI built in the seconds phase will be finalised. The interface will be subsequently validated through learning experience scenarios completed on-purpose. Furthermore, during this phase, the different systems (data management platform, similarity search tools, model-based software, with final libraries) will be delivered. Finally, the WhoLoDancE Dance-athon will be organised to disseminate the project results in a public event, conceived of as an artistic performance and demo-live show of the system. At the end of this phase, the Third Milestone will be reached (Milestone 3 – Visual User interface and data-driven models, tools and platform deployed – learning scenarios validated – final dissemination event for public outreach).