
8:30 am - 7:00 pm

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International Conference on Digital Heritage

The European Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed) is a biannual event organised by Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology and has become a regular worldwide milestone on Cultural Heritage interdisciplinary research.

Joint European and international research produce a scientific background and support for changing our behaviour on Protecting, Preserving and Presenting global Cultural Heritage. EuroMed Conference enhances this aspect by bringing together hundreds of expertise from academia, research and industrial sectors, from more than 60 countries.

EuroMed Conference is focused on conservation, massive digitalisation, modelling, archiving, visualisation and preservation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. The event is also focusing on documentation and modelling of the knowledge (story).

Issues addressed at EuroMed 2016

The Preservation and Protection of Cultural Heritage is more crucial than ever before. All over the world Cultural Heritage is endangered, vandalised, destroyed or looted. Through special thematic focused sessions the EuroMed 2016 Conference will address these issues, from the aspect of legislation, through cutting edge technologies, innovation, humanities, ontologies and digitalisation, covering content from archeological sites, artefacts, monuments, libraries, archives, museums, etc.

The Workshops:

● 2nd International Workshop on ICT for the Preservation and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

● 3rd International Workshop on 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage.

● 1st International Workshop on Virtual Reality, Gamification and Cultural Heritage.

● Information and Communication Technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications.

Tutorial: Real time 3D reconstruction using images from smart devices (hands on).


Download the full agenda in pdf: here