MOCO ’18


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Following on from previous successes of past editions, we are pleased to announce the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing – MOCO’18 – to be hosted in Genova (Italy) on June 28-30, 2018, co-organised by University of Genova, Paris 8 University, MINES ParisTech and IRCAM.

MOCO is an interdisciplinary conference that explores how computer science and technology can contribute to a deeper understanding of human movement practice, to support and facilitate movement expression and communication, and to design and develop new paradigms for interacting with computers through movement (e.g., movement interfaces). This requires to tackle computational challenges, including modeling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, and generation of movement information. It thus promotes an interdisciplinary approach to movement understanding ranging from biomechanics to embodied cognition, to the phenomenology of bodily experience as well as contributions from the performing arts.


Call for papers 2018

The MOCO’18 call for submission is now open, with a first deadline (Abstract and metadata submission) on January 22, 2017 (see complete deadline calendar).  Contributions can be submitted to three different tracks: Papers and Posters, Practice Works, and Doctoral Consortium. We invite submissions from a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to: Human-Machine Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Affective Computing, Social Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sports Sciences, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, Games, Healthcare, and Animation. A copy of the call for submissions can be downloaded here:

The venue

MOCO’18 will be held at Casa Paganini Infomus, a research centre of the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering of University of Genova, a monumental site rich in frescoes and archaeological finds. The current residence – built from the ancient convent of “Santa Maria delle Grazie la nuova” in the heart of Genoa, includes an auditorium of 230 seats, a foyer, a matroneo, and museum spaces. The research centre carries on scientific research and design, development, and experimentation of multimodal interactive systems. Main research addresses computational models of nonverbal multimodal expressive and social communication, with special focus on human movement and gesture (e.g., dance, full-body movements), audio (e.g., music), expressive and tangible multimodal interfaces.

Casa Paganini

The MOCO’18 committee includes Antonio Camurri and Gualtiero Volpe (Conference co-Chairs), Maurizio Mancini (Program Chair), Stefano Piana (Demo Chair), Radoslaw Niewiadomski (Doctoral Consortium Chair), Paolo Alborno, Corrado Canepa, Paolo Coletta, Nicola Ferrari, Simone Ghisio, Ksenia Kolykhalova, Alberto Massari, Roberto Sagoleo and Erica Volta (Local organising committee).

For any question or information, please feel free to contact them at

MOCO '18